Intentional Prayer

Oct 26, 2022    Sarah Ford

Sarah Ford, Director of Children and Family Ministry, offered this outstanding devotion at our weekly staff meeting last week. I hope you find it as meaningful as we did. – Allen

A little over a week ago, friends visited us, bringing their two children ages three and three months. We had lunch, walked downtown Matthews, and went back to our house so the three-year-old could play with “Mr. Housey,” (our dog Houser) as she calls him. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and I asked her mom, Casey, if Eleanor needed to go upstairs for her nap.

Casey laughed and told us Eleanor wasn’t napping anymore and that she had prayed for no more naps. I laughed out loud, knowing there must be a story there. You see, Tyler and Casey are very intentional about praying with Eleanor each night. We’ve heard them and even taken part in the prayers between late nights at their house or vacations together over Eleanor’s three years of life. The prayers have changed from her parents simply praying with Eleanor saying “amen” at the end to Eleanor sharing the prayers of her heart and praying aloud for those things. Casey told us that back in September, Eleanor had included a request for no more naps in her prayer and that she’s only napped once since. And that was because Casey needed a nap and had her lay down with her.

I was astonished. While it’s close to silly to pray away your naps, I watched three-year-old Eleanor chase Houser around our house and realized how intentional she was in her faith and prayer life even as a young child.

In bed that night, I found myself longing for the same intentionality for my little family and me. Between Houser’s prayer before breakfast and dinner simply to make him slow down and wait, and the couple of times throughout the day I attempt to pray, I do pray. However it doesn’t feel like I put forth the same intentionality as our favorite three-year-old. I wanted to be like Eleanor as that Friday evening ended.

Last Wednesday, I was able to attend The Well. It was the first time in months I can recall feeling myself be fully present and intentional in a worship service. So much so that when the congregation was supposed to respond with “be near them” near the conclusion of the service, I didn’t. I was so encompassed by the prayers being prayed, writing out the words as they were being spoken, and drawing images in my head, that I didn’t respond. For the first time in a long time, it felt like intentional prayer. It was a pure moment that felt so peaceful within my heart, mind, and soul that made me wonder if this is how Eleanor, or any three-year-old, feels as they pray the prayers of their heart.

If you haven’t already attended The Well, I strongly encourage you to come on any upcoming Wednesday evening. I hope and pray that you will leave feeling peace within your heart, mind, and soul.

Let us pray: God, we’re called to pray for all types of needs — for others, self, our ministry, work, the heart, healing, deliverance, and more. And to pray continually. I ask that you draw each of us closer to you through intentional prayers. I thank you for this space, this place, and the people who make it what it is. Amen.