Permission Granted

Dec 14, 2022    The Reverend Emily Parker

Greetings everyone! Here we are in the third week of Advent, eleven days away from Christmas, and I'm running low on sticky notes. I use these helpful little squares to keep track of a variety of holiday to-dos: to-buy, to-make, to-wrap, to-clean up. These to-dos are not bad, there just seem to be a legion of them this year, each asking for attention.   

Right when I’m on the verge of feeling overwhelmed by a concentrated amount of doing in a short period of time, I remind myself that it will all turn out as it should. I consciously give myself permission to do what I can, within reason. 

All the gifts may or may not be purchased. The house may stay in early stages of being decorated. I may not be able to adequately answer the question, “What do you want for Christmas?” Even though I’m fond of sticky notes, the answer is not more sticky notes. 

Things will be left undone, and that is quite alright. Most importantly, family and friends will gather, we will pray and celebrate together. We will eat and we will rest. We will give thanks for the light in our lives given to us by the light of God coming into the world. 

I remind myself that we are in Advent and right now, less is more, and enough is enough. 

In the spirit of being present to the season we are in, I offer this prayer for us from A New Zealand Prayer Book for the Season of Advent:

Creator God, 

We praise you for your love in coming to us, unworthy though we are. 

Give us grace to accept the Christ who comes in your name, and the courage to be Christ for others. 

We praise and thank you, Creator God, for you have not left us alone. 

Each year you come to us, Emmanuel, God with us in a manger.

Each time you come to us in the broken bread and the cup we share.

In time or out of time you will be revealed and we shall see you face to face.

Give us courage, God our strength, to see your Christ in all who suffer, to be hands to the helpless, food for the hungry, and rescue for the oppressed. 


In service,
