Easter's Door Buster

Apr 3, 2024    The Reverend Lisa Saunders

Fake news.  

Or, “an idle tale,” as the disciples called it in Luke’s gospel (Luke 24:11) when the women came back from the empty tomb declaring that Christ had risen.

Can’t happen. Never has. 

But Easter is not about avoiding death and suffering, or even about making them easier. Easter proclaims that new beginnings are not an idle tale. Easter blows the doors off “can’t,” and “never.”  

Easter wants us to see that life is unstoppable. There is always something fabulous or freeing around the bend. Easter bursts with the joy that something or someone wonderful or loving or kind or generous or healing, that we did not manufacture or merit, could be just around the corner.  

And here is where it gets really interesting. You, yes, you. You might be what is loving and kind and generous and healing for someone you don’t yet see, someone you know well, or might not even know at all, but is about to round the corner and discover you there. You might be, or bear, or become, or begin new life for someone else. Even if you are but a seed, a crumb, a sliver of moonlight.

Now you may scoff. Roll your eyes and consider that an idle tale told by this woman. Then you might also miss Easter not just happening to you but through you.

Surprise and alleluia!

